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My Process

My Process


Sacred Intelligence, LLC was created to help you heal that part of you that has been wounded, before it takes complete control of your life.  You can do more than survive. 


  • Discover how to trust your intuition and decision making (sacred intelligence) when it tells you something is not quite right. 

  • Gain a new awareness of how these wounds play a part in challenges you face, personally and professionally. 

  • See how your own sacred intelligence can help you challenge limiting beliefs and stop wounds from spreading.  You will begin to have better relationships and opportunities to be the best possible you.


Move beyond obstacles that block you from: 


  • Being happier with yourself and more “comfortable in your own skin"

  • Having healthier interpersonal relationships

  • Greater job satisfaction

  • Confidence in your decision making

  • Clarity about your true passion and dreams

  • Sharing your views and feelings with others



I invite you to sign up for your complimentary clarity and discovery session.  This is the session for me to gather information to see if we’re a good fit.  I can’t coach you without knowing what’s going on with you.  In this powerful session you will leave with:


•    Techniques to begin to change any limiting beliefs

•    A new awareness of what is causing the challenges in all your relationships

•    A renewed sense of freedom and determination to turn your life around

•    A “next-step” action plan 


To begin this journey on your own, download our free offering, Golden Rules to Deepen Your Sacred, Selfish, and Shared Relationships by going HERE.

Sacred Intelligence


2020 Sacred Intelligence, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.

154 Hempstead Street, Second Floor 
New London, CT  06320


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This website is designed to give information and is not intended to provide psychological or other professional services.
If you are experiencing emotional, psychological, social, or personal problems, you should seek professional counseling or medical interventions. 

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