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Retreats and Workshops (Selected Retreats):


Dr. Curry Avery’s workshops are lively, interactive, and thought provoking.  You will leave her workshops and retreats thinking and feeling differently than when you entered the room.  She gets to the heart of the matter and helps you to dig deep to address the obstacles that are getting in the way of you living your best life.


Dr. Curry Avery’s workshops and retreats are designed to help you:


  • deal effectively with challenges and choices

  • identify limiting beliefs that holding you back

  • discover alternative strategies to help you move forward

  • uncover ways to connect with others despite racial, cultural or religious differences


Dr. Curry Avery’s most popular trainings are:


  • Sacred, Selfish, and Shared Relationships

  • Moving Beyond the Fork In the Road

  • SANKOFA:  Moving From History to Healing



The MANIFEST YOUR GREATNESS Program has been created to support you as you confidently live a life you love and as you cultivate enriching, inspiring, and loving relationships that bring out the BEST part of you! It has been designed to awaken your spirit and uncover the things within you that keep you from manifesting your greatness. Discover how to tap into your sacred intelligence, the divine part of you that helps you to manifest YOUR greatness!




  • Reconnect with your Sacred source & explore how this relationship can propel you;

  • Reawaken your dreams, uncover self-imposed barriers, and discover tools to overcome these obstacles; and

  • Redefine or create boundaries in your relationships and explore the benefits of sharing your vision with others.


Click here if you're ready to MANIFEST YOUR GREATNESS!

Booking Dr. Curry Avery


For more information on booking Dr. Curry Avery for your next meeting or event, email us

at and a member of her team will get back to you.

Sacred Intelligence


2020 Sacred Intelligence, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.

154 Hempstead Street, Second Floor 
New London, CT  06320


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This website is designed to give information and is not intended to provide psychological or other professional services.
If you are experiencing emotional, psychological, social, or personal problems, you should seek professional counseling or medical interventions. 

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