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Dr. Curry Avery's Guest Appearance on Straight Talk Live (WURC-FM Rust College Public Radio)

Click HERE to listen to Dr. Curry Avery's Interview with Patricia Raskin on VoiceAmerica. They discuss the importance of the Sacred and wounds of religion.
Listen as Taisha Lalanai Rucker and Dr. Curry Avery talk about fear, fearlessness, and Big Leaps. Click HERE.

Click HERE to hear Dr. Curry Avery's open conversation with Nicole Lewis-Keeber and Michelle Lewis about being a woman pastor (among other things) over on The Sparkle Hour.

Click HERE to hear Dr. Curry Avery interviewed by Dr. Sister Jenna on the America Meditating Museum podcast.

Click HERE to hear Dr. Curry Avery's interview with Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville and Diane Schrock on her "core truth."
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