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Listen Long In The Silence

For a couple of months, I looked forward, with great anticipation, to the silent weekend retreat I attended last weekend. I recently ended a two-year interim ministry and as I move into dedicating more time to working privately and in groups to help others heal and/or get out of their own way and live their life’s purpose, I knew my time with the Sacred would be inspiring. I was not disappointed!

I went with the expectation or intention of experiencing an epiphany, one in which I would have even more clarity about the next phase of my journey. I asked for the Sacred to help me see whatever I needed to see, really to open my eyes, ears, and heart. On the first night of the retreat, I realized that I needed to simply “be” and not try to force any specific experience or epiphany. Simply rest in the companion of the Sacred. It took me a while to shut down my brain.

Then… on Saturday, I discovered these words from a prayer placed on a window ledge: “listen long in the silence.” Hmmm. Listen. Long. In. The. Silence. As I sat in a small corner library of the Mercy By The Sea Spiritual Retreat Center, I meditated on each word/phrase. And here were my reminders about spending time with the Sacred:

Listen - Stop the brain chatter. Stop the busyness. Stop the directing. Stop the asking/talking. Simply listen. Listen. There is revelation in the listening. There is revelation in even the sounds in the environment, like the roar of the fan that reminded me of ruach (the breath and spirit of God). I was reminded of the new possibilities being breathed into me, even in that very moment. So, I invite you to simply listen. Take some time to simply be and listen. The Sacred has a message designed especially for you and what you need.

Long - Not momentarily. Not just a day. Not a year but for an eternity. Listen with a purpose of hearing the message. It may not come right away and may be revealed in snippets over time. It may be too much to handle if it comes all at once. It is crucial not to force anything. Wait. Listen long. Every message or direction won’t take forever to be revealed. The key is to listen long enough to hear it. I encourage you to take the time you need. Listen long.

In the silence - Stay in the silence. Don’t run from it. Go deep into the stillness and be in tune with the Sacred. Don’t get lost in the noise. Find the silence and linger there. Relish the silence. Silence really is golden. For in those moments, revelation is sure to come. In those moments, the best parts of who we are emerge. Inspiration comes. Confidence comes. Peace comes. Wisdom comes. I invite you to spend some time in the silence.

That afternoon, I lingered for quite some time, pouring and meditating over the words of that prayer. And while I have a daily practice of spending time with the Sacred, this moment and the entire weekend was like spending time with an old friend. Simply being together and enjoying one another’s company. No words needed to be spoken. Yet, we understood one another perfectly. I did not experience a specific epiphany or a step by step plan for the next phase of my journey. BUT, I received epiphanies relevant for my life, a renewed and refreshing connection with the Sacred, and wonderful guidance and tools to use at my upcoming retreat November 3-5.

I hope you will take some time real soon to LISTEN LONG IN THE SILENCE.

P.S. If you’d like to know more about how you can work directly with me, here are a few ways:

Attend my upcoming retreat November 3-5, 2017: Empower Trip 2.0: It Really Is ALL About You. A limited number of women will spend a weekend with me reconnecting with the Sacred; reawakening their dreams while uncovering the barriers and solutions to fulfilling those dreams; and exploring how to share those dreams with others. Click here to for early bird registration.

Join my Insight Circle group where you will receive support to live your passion, move out of your own way and change limiting beliefs that impede your progress. You will experience the support of a community have accountability as you step into your purpose. Click here to schedule a time to talk with me to learn more.

Work privately with me. I work with a limited number of private clients to help them tap into their sacred intelligence (that divine part of you that helps you to make intelligent choices to manifest your greatness). One or all three of the following area might be right for you:

  • Sacred relationship - I work with you to explore how your relationship with the Sacred impacts your success. I especially help clients to reconnect with the Sacred after they have been wounded by religion.

  • Selfish relationship - I work with you uncover those areas of fear, self-deprecation, limiting beliefs, and unspoken rules that are governing your life and keep you from moving forward and manifesting your great gifts.

  • Shared relationship - I work with you to discover and make decisions about your relationship with others, specifically how to set boundaries, to remove toxic relationships, and to share your gifts with others while helping them to manifest their gifts.

Click HERE to schedule a time to talk with me to learn more.

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